When Your Give-A-Damn is Busted

Are you too pretty for prison? Cannot seem to find that last fuck you dropped? Yeah we all get to that age of who the hell cares. Some sooner than others. Some way too late in the game, but eventually, we all hit screw it. Our grays, our wrinkles, our not so perfect nails, not having that stupid cat eye thing drawn on your eyes everyday. Eventually you become okay with having a natural day of “Why the hell am II doing this if not just for myself?”

All over social media, in the stores, in church, or on TV you see women and men doing their best to maintain an apearrance of having their shit together. Best to look like you know what you are doing in life rather than admit that we have flaws. It is far more relaxing to reach the point of acceptance and contentment in accepting that our flaws and differences should be embraced. Even Jesus Christ lost his temper on a bunch of priests trying to make a dishonest buck!

Find that zen feeling when you also learn that not everything in this world needs to be offensive. At some point, you realize that screaming or fighting will not solve or change someone’s opinion or ignorance. There is a strength is stating your opinion, in an educated and not so bitchy manner, rather than yelling or cap locking every response and ending it with bruh! Everyday I see people all over social media commenting back and forth bitching and screen-shotting each other, and I wonder……… what are they getting out of this? Are they that unhappy? Are they that uncomfortable with their own lives? Do they not realize how stupid they look? I do not put so much time in this thought process, but for a second, think, why?

Will it be their thirties? Perhaps it will be their forties or fifties? It is visible that all ages use the screen as a cover to show their ass. Trolling that you post too much or too little. Your question is irrelevant. You do not fit the narrative they wanted to see that day. You “triggered” them in some ridiculous way. I pity the children growing up only knowing social media. The ones who from birth have had posts, memes, groups, and algorithms deciding their level of importance based on likes.

Enjoy life with your few extra pounds. You do not have to wear makeup to work. Gray hair is inevitable, and if they make a dye color of gray, you can wear yours for free. You do not have to comment on every post you read. Scroll past. If you want to wear leggings everyday, go for it! Arguing solves nothing except to prove what kind of person you are. Choose peace in your life. Coffee, tea, wine, repeat hot messes!

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