Only for you…….

Anyone read The 5 Love Languages? There are different ways that people show affection, and different ways they prefer to be shown affection. Supposedly, if you discover your type and your partner’s type, you will be happy…….. er! (Yes I realize I mispelled that but it is weird either way).

I love buying gifts. Small gifts, big gifts, edible gifts, cheap gifts, gifts you can regift, gifts to piss some parent off…… I love gifting! Anytime I am out, I keep my eyes open to little things I think my husband, kids, dad, or friends may like. I love to just give someone the gift of suprise and let them know they were on my mind. That is what is really special. A gift shows you that someone amidst their busy day…… thought of YOU!

Well, my husband and I are not the same love language. In our near ten years, he has given me a few awesome gifts, but many flops. Appliances should not be given on your birthday!!!!!! Am I right? He thinks that the best way to show me he loves me is the occasional slap on the ass and licking my face instead of kissing me. Don’t get me wrong, I love the playfulness, and I usually do not mind the actions. However, today is why I am writing.

I am in the Walmart parking lot. I have my list, my purse, my handy umbrella (because Georgia sucks), and I have a pretty great parking spot. The hubby calls. “Hey baby, blah blah blah, while you are out……. why don’t you buy yourself something nice and pretend it is from me!” (wait for it………………..) What in the ever loving hell is that shit!?!? Seriously! I should have went out and bought a car or a rolex! “Here babe, thanks for the gift!”

I felt like one of those “kept” women. Know what I mean? Like I needed permission to buy myself something or that buying something myself means the same as him buying it. I cannot do this right now. Jeez Louise! I love him though. I really do. Today I just have to keep repeating it to myself. “I love my husband, I love my husband.”

So with this happy and un- romantic entry, have any of you read the book? What was your love language? Have you strangled your partner after reading it? Do you need hiding a body? Comment, share, what have you! Feel like I am just talking to myself.

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