Could you do a “yes day”…….

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So the other night, my family chose a movie. We snuggled on the couch, popped the popcorn, and clicked play on what looked like a super cute movie. It definitely was. Jennifer Garner and Edgar Ramirez star in Yes Day. This adorable heart warming film is about throwing caution to the wind for a whole day, and children having quite a bit of wiggle room. Now, I watched a preview before viewing (like I usually do just in case), and it was not what I expected. I expected a film (like most these days) where the children run everything and somehow the parents look like idiots. I say this because most shows my children choose do just that. One imparticular (Good Luck Charlie). I do not like how parents are depicted in most films and movies in this era. That’s just my opinion though. I come from a time where parents are reverred, and their advice is taken to heart and cherished.

Instead, this amazing little concept is approached with structure, ground rules, and limitations. Therefore making it a realistic opportunity that families may actually be able to participate in. It is difficult being a parent, this we all know. It is not always easy telling our children NO! We look like fun suckers or dream crushers in their eyes when in reality, we are just trying to keep them alive! “Yes, I know it may sound fun to ride your bike off of the roof into the pool, but the answer is NO!” “Sure, your sister’s hair will grow back, but I don’t think it is a good idea to shave her head with hedge clippers. The answer is NO!” These have all been real NOs I have given my kids!

Parents were once children too. I know our children will not believe us when we tell them! They all believe we were just magically placed on this planet as old grumpy people who instantly began popping out tiny humans, but it is true kiddos! We were kids, we did stupid shit, we probably should have heard the word NO way more than we did! In this particular movie, I loved the ending. I loved how when the parents were MIA, the children all realized how much they craved the NOs. They needed to have those restrictions and that protection from their own impulses. Those are the happy endings for parents. Thos small lightbulb moments that happen in our kiddos brains that make them think, “Maybe our parents are right, maybe they do love us and know what is best sometimes.”

At the same time, I look forward to trying a YES DAY. When my husband returns from yet another Army thing ha ha, our family will definitely be loosening the grip of structure for a day. We will locking away the technology, strapping on the super cool outfits our five year old chooses, and possibly eating ice cream for dinner after some kind of water balloon or spaghetti filled pool fight, and just take comfort in the fact that we said yes to our kids. We said yes to being silly.

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