Do you have a dad nap pro?

My husband is a professional dad- napper. He can take dad naps anywhere anytime and in any position. He can sleep soundly at night whether he took ten fifteen minute naps, or one or two hour naps. He can sleep holding his beer with the tv and still realize if you have touched either. He can dad nap with three kids laying on him or four animals laying across his lap. He can dad nap in broad daylight or in a lamp lit room. How do dads do it??

I myself, am horrible with naps. It is impossible for me to take any length of a nap, and still sleep at night. I have been so exhausted I couldn’t see straight, and still not fall asleep. I have tried (like planned out with oils, white noise) to take a nap, and just stare at the ceiling. If I am lucky enough to achieve a few minutes of a nap, the animals, the kids, or the wind blowing the wrong way wake me up. It is impossible. Is it simply because I am the mother? Is it because of my anxiety? Do other moms successfully nap? Is it just me?

There are many mom/ dad stereotypes out there. For example, dads aren’t emotional, moms can multitask, dads can’t clean like moms, dads can’t cook like moms, or dads would rather play than parent. These are all not true, but it is mostly situational. One that rings very true, dads can nap! We have known many married couples with children. In EVERY father, we have seen the successful dad naps (barbecues, parties, ceremonies, church). We have also received confirmation from their spouses that they themselves…… cannot nap!

I wish I could find a study or some research into the reason behind this myth made true. I would love to know if it is something physiological, or maybe just an instinct that activates once the female has pooped out the crotch goblin. I hear very often that mothering, and attachment is an instinct that comes once your child is born. Perhaps napping is just that same instinct for men. It is even worse when my husband gives the feedback saying,”It’s just a nap, it’s not that hard.” (That’s what she said)

What is your household like? Are you the napper or are you the anxiety filled fanatic who is constantly sleep deprived and want to smother your love with a pillow when you seem them doze off? Comment…. let me know. Until next time, happy napping……….. dads

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