So I tended bar for many years. I worked in many different places such as clubs, members only, biker bars, redneck hangs, and even a …

So I tended bar for many years. I worked in many different places such as clubs, members only, biker bars, redneck hangs, and even a …
Our bodies have been changing since we were born. Doctors (or whoever) have categorized them into stages. Infancy, toddler, school aged, preteen, teenager, young adult; …
So to explain. My two best friends in the world were having a daily chat with me today like we do nearly everyday. I cannot …
This is my daily cycle. Coffee, tea, wine, repeat, repeat, repeat ha ha. How many others have this same daily routine? Funny how each one …
Looks like a great idea right? Who does not deep down love some kind of cheeto product? Went to Walmart, cruising through aisles, spotted this …
Every military family has two budgets. One is for when your soldier is home, and the second is for during deployments. When my husband is …
Don’t let the title fool you. I love rap……. so long as it was made before the year 2000! I still listen to it in …
Technology. Just the sound of the word turns my stomach to knots. It really shows my age when I have to learn something new with …
Hello world! Let me begin by introducing myself. I am a mother of three awesome kiddos. I run and somehow manage a household of 13!!!! …