Where have all the shop teachers and Home Economics teachers gone? Basic skills classes have gone the way of the do do bird, and yet …
Milspouse Vs. Social Media
Every decade has a wave of changes. Changes in internet, communication, representation, and attitude open many opportunities to show what kind of a person we …
They can see the onions……
I have been both a stay at home mom and a working mom. I have been bored all day, and I have never sat all …
When Your Give-A-Damn is Busted
Are you too pretty for prison? Cannot seem to find that last fuck you dropped? Yeah we all get to that age of who the …
What Really Happens When You Scream At Your Child
Love shouldn’t hurt. Would you allow another adult to speak or talk to you the way you speak to your child? When your child grows …
Love Shouldn’t Hurt
Why can’t you do better? Don’t screw up today like you did yesterday! I bet you won’t even accomplish anything today! You are worthless! You …
Mom wants more than a robe, and military hates traveling!
Give those who make the holiday great something great! Or at least give them something at all, and do not break it. Show appreciation because …
Are you giving or expecting?
Why is charity and volunteering so popular during the holidays? Should the wealthy be guilted into giving to charity, or is it wrong for them …
When the Gift Giving Sucks……
It is better to give than to receive. This statement is very true. It feels wonderful to give gifts and see the joy it brings …
Respectful Hypocrites: Communicating your feelings
This week is about communicating your feelings when it may come with repercussions. Are you made to feel guilty when you speak your mind? Are …