What inspires you……

I have been writing for many years. I have written poetry, greeting cards, short stories, fluff content pieces, college essays, and even once started on a book (then deleted the whole damn thing during a panic attack). I have stated before on previous days that I love writing! The problem is my anxiety. How many of you suffer the same? It is extremely common, which is a shame because it makes you think about the state of the world. Anyways, I am getting off topic. I have a few people who I have admired, and tried to model my writing styles after. Some are even fictional (I know that sounds silly), but the characters were written so strongly! It is kinda like how Superman or Batman inspires some I guess.

I will talk about my top two to keep the entry short. Who here is a Sex and the City fan? If you are, then you probably know where I am going with this. Carrie wrote about her everyday life, and the words flowed so naturally from her heart to her keyboard. She made it look so easy to just release her passion to all of New York. Plus she made a pretty penny from it. You could tell just by her shoes (I mean jeez so many). As a teen, I loved watching her type. She romanticized New York and all it’s wonder. As a young lady, all I wanted to do was move to Manhattan and live the Carrie Bradshaw life. Maybe have a little less drama though!

Tiffany Jenkins is my web version of Carrie. I have followed her for years on Facebook, and for a brief time of having Instagram, I followed also. I loved watching her videos both funny and real talk. She had been through so much, and like a phoenix, she rose and conquered. She writes, she blogs, she acts, and most importantly she inspires. That was my true passion. I wanted to make a difference in the world, and not just through my children, but with my words. She suffers from anxiety, and speaks openly about it. She proves that even though it is a daily struggle, I am not alone, and I can laugh it out.

Between these two, I finally decided to jump in and start writing publicly. No, I am no philosopher, and I am pretty sure Tony Robbins will beat me at inspiration, but I can make others feel normal compared to my crazy mind! In this tech age, many women have proved that being a SAHM can actually be creative and sometimes lucrative. The most important thing though is now the world can see the daily life of a mom! They see the struggles, the ups and downs, the obstacles, and the push to just keep these tiny humans alive!

So I hope that my writing, as mundane as it may be, reaches someone. I hope that someday, someone will feel a little less alone reading my words. I do not need to be a millionaire or an internet hit. I just need to daily overcome my fear, and to cheer you up even just a little!

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