Everyday the kids are fed, the animals are alive, and the husbands can’t complain. The house looks decent. The fridge is never empty. The car …

Everyday the kids are fed, the animals are alive, and the husbands can’t complain. The house looks decent. The fridge is never empty. The car …
It is not easy giving up your spouse everyday. It is not easy going through life knowing that you are not the top priority, and …
As moms, we are constantly moving. We are cleaning, cooking, switching the washer and dryer, grabbing kids off couches when they decide to be daredevils, …
I don’t know about you, but I HATE car rider lines at my kid’s schools! Even worse, when you have to do parent dropoff in …
As mothers and wives, we usually put all the pressure on oursleves. Whether it is the family calendar, school shit, health of our crotch goblins, …
With military life comes many challenges. If you have ever seen Army Wives, forget most of what you watched. Yes, spouses can be very dramatic, …
Before having a huge family, I enjoyed going out. I went to concerts, clubs, shows, plays, cookouts, bonfires, roller derby, and much more. I had …