Why I hate rapping today……..

Don’t let the title fool you. I love rap……. so long as it was made before the year 2000! I still listen to it in the car, and now thanks to my bluetooth headphones, I can listen to it in the kitchen! My kids have no idea that while mommy is washing the dishes I am twirking and shaking it to freak A leek and how many licks does it take til you get to the center of the whatttttt! Ha ha if you do not know those songs then I probably sound crazy. I loved some NWA, Missy Elliot, Lil’ Kim (before the plastic surgery), and my #1 favorite……. the doctor himself DRE! Rap was awesome. It was a venue to just release all your emotions and say whatever the hell was on your mind but with beats. I gotta ask though, does anyone hear some of the crap they come out with now?

Now they are rapping in musicals. If you know me then you probably have realized what I am leading to. My daughter (God love her) has a new obsession. HAMILTON. Now I love rap and I love musicals, but for the love of all that is holy I can’t listen to this anymore! My daughter has this absolutely amazing skill where she can memorize an entire song in less than maybe an hour. She is so smart and don’t get me wrong I am proud of her, but she mastered every word to every song in this musical and it constantly plays in her head like a neverending record. She sings them from the second she wakes up to the last moment before she passes out at night. I swear she even mumbles the words while drooling on her pillow.

I am glad that they used this tool of rap to get young people engaged in history. Well played Disney, but have yall watched it? Constant monotone mumbling and puffy shirts is what makes up the entire performance. Rap is nothing like it used to be. Nothing is what it used to be. Now if I could just get to memorize her school work like she does those songs, she would be set.

I think back to my teen years sitting in my room (before bluetooth headphones) playing the same tracks over and over again, and my poor father trying to watch the news in the room beside me. God he must have been thinking the same thing I am now. Maybe it is just the peace from hearing the same words or having that repetition of something so familiar. Maybe that is why my hormone enraged scatterbrained teen does it. I get that. I mean it could be worse. I would rather her be in her own little world singing the same words over and over, than be lying in a ditch somewhere. I am sure when she grows and gives me ten little grandbabies (hahaha), she will be thinking the same thing. Kids these days and their music!

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