What’s so funny……

I love to laugh. Laughter makes you feel so good. It is a blast of seratonin straight to the brain. Like a hippie with a strange baggy, it is a rush! It is the best medicine (so says docs i think). So since it is my favorite thing to do, I search it out. I love all things comedy. My favorite genre is comedy. Any kind of comedy will do. I am one of those people who can sit for hours and watch comedy special after comedy special wearing what is practically a damn diaper because let’s face it, I’m old. I love hole in the wall comedy too. I may have never heard of the person talking, but I will remember every joke. I love to laugh! Who doesn’t love to laugh?

When I was a kid, I was raised in a very conservative religion. My life was very old testament. Like brimstone and fire preaching, no happiness at holidays, cult like religion! No Santa, no easter bunny, no halloween! Bobby Boucher’s mom constantly saying everything is the Devil! We, as girls in this private school (owned by the church….. go figure), were taught to do three things. Grow up, marry a missionary, and have lots of babies for the Lord! Pretty much our futures were planned out. So a little girl dreaming of becoming a comedian or actress was out of the question.

That was what I wanted to do; make people laugh! I never really told anyone though, because I didn’t think I was funny enough. I compared myself to some of the greats. Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell, Drew Carey, Chris Rock, the list would go on and on! I figured to be successful, you had to instantly be them! So now, here I am in my 30’s, and one night my husband looks at me and tells me……. I’m funny! What da hell! Very rarely do I get many different compliments from him. Most of the time I figure he is complimenting me because he wants booty. However, this night he gave me this sweet and sincere compliment out of nowhere! God I love him.

I missed out on so many years when I could have practiced or at least tried to make this secret dream come true because I was afraid. Same with my writing. I have so much saved on my laptop, but the sad thing is noone has ever read any of it…….. because of fear! What are you afraid of? I never spoke about my dreams, so I figure this post would be a great place for all of us to let those fears and dreams out! Comment, email, whatever you want, just let go of those fears and let the dreams happen!

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