It’s been a rough week for us hot mess moms! This week’s episode was one of no scripts, and just chatting about life! Our highs …
Scrubs, PJs, or Pantsuits?
When we were kids, we hated being told what to do. Teachers, coaches, parents, and all adults had rules, lessons, advice, and guidance instructing us …
On Tuesdays We Wear Green!
Volunteering in the military ie the FRG’s, much like democracy, spandex, and the Facebook, things began with good intentions, and then it’s just spiraled downhill …
Who should really get spayed?
We most definitely aren’t within the animal limits on post. If I was to jump on this bandwagon, my furbabies would identify as humans. Petey …
Spousing Ain’t All Beer and Skittles
Ain’t Banboozlin’ Ya! We had a hog killin’ time making this episode just chewing the fat about the clusterfuck of why everybody wants to be …
Adulting 101: YouTube and Google
Where have all the shop teachers and Home Economics teachers gone? Basic skills classes have gone the way of the do do bird, and yet …
Mom wants more than a robe, and military hates traveling!
Give those who make the holiday great something great! Or at least give them something at all, and do not break it. Show appreciation because …