Coffee, tea, wine, repeat……

This is my daily cycle. Coffee, tea, wine, repeat, repeat, repeat ha ha. How many others have this same daily routine? Funny how each one of these is a symbol for my daily tasks each day. Each drink serves a purpose, and by following this regular pattern, I maintain a sense of true zen.

Coffee means time to start the day. I wake up. I start my brew. What will it be today? Espresso, blueberry, or Columbian? So many options, but I suppose the flavor does not matter because I will simply drown my cup with my caramel creamer first! I fill the pot (almost too full because my husband jacks most of it), pour the grounds because I love it strong, and hit the awesome button (STRONG BREW). Perhaps you have also experienced the constant reheats of your coffee in the trusty microwave. Maybe that is just a mom thing ha ha. Coffee to me means productivity. I use it as a constant fuel to get the kids ready for school, get the husband fed and off to work, start the days laundry and dishes, and eventually one room a day clean. When all that is complete, I move on to the next phase.

When the dishes are dry and the laundry has finished the first two hellish cycles (wash and dry), it is time for my hot lavender and chamomile tea. I through on my Pioneer Woman tea kettle ( one of the greatest gifts I have ever received, thanks Keri). I drop a tablespoon of honey into my favorite kitty lover mug, and rip open that tea bag releasing the scent of calm. The water boils and steams then I slowly pour over my bag stirring my honey and feeling the warmth of my mug, I sit. I pick a new Netflix or Amazon documentary, and I sip and fold, sip and fold, until one task is done and a refill is needed. Maybe three cups or six cups until it is time for the final phase.

By now, the kids are all home. My teens homework papers decorate my dining table. My younger two (having a way more awesome social life thean I could ever have), are out at the playground just being kids. Dinner is planned and my timer will soon go ding ding bitch I’m gonna burn! (At least that is what I picture my oven saying) The dogs are all hovering at my feet because they know what time it is! My husband busts through the door flinging boots, jacket, and sometimes even pants ha ha, my hallway is now army green. I holler out the door “Dinner time!”, and my crotch goblins storm through dirty hands, dirty faces, unrecognizable clothes, heading to the bathroom to wash the days filth away. We set the table, say our prayers, and everyone lunges like damn gremlins after midnight. Hugs and kisses thank me as they clear their plates. Thankfully, I have a teenager so dinner dishes are done in exchange for allowance. I grab my glass ting ting, grab a new full bottle of crystal moscato, and pull that damn cork out with determination. Wine means the end of the day. Wine means a job well done. Wine means IT’S ALMOST F$CKING BEDTIME!!!!!! Thank God. When I pour that liquid relaxation over the ice cubes (yeah I am one of those bitches), I know I successfully kept tiny humans alive and this is my reward!

Humans naturally find comfort in routine (to an extent). We crave some reliability, because it gives us a sense of knowing what to expect and what is coming. I know everyday I am going to have coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon, and wine at night. May not always be at the same time. May be after scouts, school functions, military event crap, or after a late dinner, but I know…….. coffee, tea, wine, repeat.

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