Where have all the shop teachers and Home Economics teachers gone? Basic skills classes have gone the way of the do do bird, and yet kids are still allowed to vote. Yes, I called them kids because if you do not know adulting skills…… to me you are a child. In the military, 18 yr olds are enlisted and told if they marry they are granted a house, extra money, and BOOM extra responsibilities but unfortunately they are not taught how to manage these responsibilities. They are granted homes without having to earn down payments (on post). They can have children and extra money (BAS). They will most likely be approved for an expensive car (steady income) even only being in for a short time because they are in a contract. Budgeting, basic home repair, minor cooking skills, education of credit scores are all unknown to most. In most schools, general education classes are even directed to Youtube videos for math, language arts, and history, etc. In a generation with a wealth of knowledge at their fingertips, society has used this technology as a crutch to not have to force this necessary education upon those in charge of voting or fighting. Click the link below to listen for the full episode or listen to the Hot Mess Mil Mom pod on Spotify, Castbox, and many more!