Why I considered being a vegetarian……

Every military family has two budgets. One is for when your soldier is home, and the second is for during deployments. When my husband is gone (which is 80% of the time almost), our grocery bill is significantly smaller. I’ve discussed before his freakishly high metabolism and how it was passed onto our kiddos, so it is no surprise that he just consumes and consumes mass amounts of food. He worries too! He will look in the cabinets or the fridge and if for any reason something cannot be made in less than a minute, he swears we are all going to starve and must immediately go grocery shopping!

Now we have a big family. Food costs money. I do not know about you, but I LOVE ALDIS!!!! I will drive every week for forty minutes, shop for an hour, bag my goods for another hour in my swarm of aldis bags, and return home forty minutes later just to save over $100 each time. To me it is 100% worth the use of my entire day. Plus…… $3 bottles of wine ain’t a bad thing either. Am I right??

My husband, on the other hand, could not wait 24 hours for me to venture to Aldis. Again, “We were all gonna starve!” So he wanted to go to my worst nightmare, dun dun dunnnnnnnn Walmart! I could have let him go by himself. I could have given him a simple list like many times before, but I have learned my lesson. Many times it is the same situation. I give him a list. He gets to the store. He “loses” the list. He buys hundreds of dollars worth of meat, junk food, and one bag of vegetables. No joke!

I sucked it up and went with him, holding my list tightly as we strolled through the aisles. Maybe one or two things I grabbed not on my list. Maybe ten things he grabbed not on the list. When we reached the checkout however, I stared at the most expensive thing (the meat) and thought out loud, “I think vegetarians save a lot of money on groceries.” My husband just stares at me, debating on whether or not I am serious. Then I remembered I just saw a bag of kale chips for six dollars. Yeah, I do not think they save that much!

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  1. Cause meat is good for you!!

    1. It is! But it is so expensive when your husband is such a piggy!

  2. Maybe he loves being a piggy.. all men are pigs

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