Mom is the real Santa. So why isn’t my face on a Coca Cola truck? Momming is difficult everyday. The holidays amp up the difficulty. …

Mom is the real Santa. So why isn’t my face on a Coca Cola truck? Momming is difficult everyday. The holidays amp up the difficulty. …
Santa Baby, just make the world revolve around me, and my needs! Well, it is December. We are no longer considered crazy for having our …
To be a bitch or not be a bitch? That was Shakespeare’s real question I think! Whether it is gus fraba, woosah, or counting to …
Just because you’re an adult, doesn’t make you honest. Mean Girls, Heathers, Scary Movie, and all 90’s and 80’s movies taught us that high school …
Before you sign on to a task or commit to something, you want to do your research. Before joining the Army or becoming an Army …
We are back after a missed week. This was due to extreme amounts of Gatorade and chicken soup. Veronica braved the PCS drama! Join us …
First you get the soldier, then you get the Tricare, then you get the Charger! We all face the daunting battle of who has it …
Many have met a human with emotional disconnect. Cold hands, blank stares, and bland responses are all that we receive after speaking our opinions or …
I’ll take Army jibberish for $500 Alex! There are acronyms for almost everything. They are used to abbreviate, save time, save energy, save ink, whatever …
Army is a language all in it’s own! You wanna be supportive, and listen. What do you do when you have no clue what they …